Steve & Tomas Tag-Team the Project
Often with a large project such as the NASA King Air, we will have two or more installers working on the job at the same time. In this case, Tomas is wiring up the radios on the bench and Steve is modifying the wiring in the aircraft. As you can imagine, there's a lot of wiring changes needed to properly install this arsenal of avionics.
Notice in one of the pics the two GNS530 racks are riveted together, in this installation the 530's will be placed side by side, also note the GTX330 transponder rack on the 530. Below the right 530 will be the MX20 which will also be used for the Honeywell 2000 series radar display. One of the below depicts the radar mount in the nose of the aircraft, later you'll see the radar R/T mounted on this mount. The connector for the radar is already wired and sticking through the bulkhead. Just below radar mount there appears to be an antenna with two whiskers, that's the glideslope antenna for this aircraft. Typically large aircraft with radomes have the Glideslope antenna in this area.
Another shot shows some of the wiring in the nose baggage
area. Steve is presently working on the interface, just wanted to give you an
idea of what he's up against. The end results will look great.