The Install Continues Inside the Aircraft

Let's see, the antenna mounting engineering is complete and the antennas have been mounted in accordance with that data, most of the bench wiring is complete, so now Steve focuses mainly inside the aircraft.  Sure there's a lot of wires behind the radio racks but when he's finished, it will look neat.  From the pictures located below,  you'll notice the GNS530's are going to be placed at the bottom of the avionics rack.  The GNS530 have large displays thus you can mount them just about anywhere and be able to read them.  The MX20 MFD/Radar indicator viewing angle isn't as good as the 530's, thus Steve is mounting the MFD higher in the radio stack. One of the rack assemblies shown but not yet installed in the panel is the MX20/GTX330 racks.  Notice this radar antenna, receiver and transmitter are built as one.  In the "old days" the antenna was mounted in the nose of the aircraft as you see here , the often huge receiver/transmitter box was installed somewhere else in the aircraft and the antenna R/T were connected by a special tube called a Wave Guide.  Modern radars such as the Honeywell shown here are superior in performance, lighter and cheaper than the old wave guide systems. 

530sidebyside-1.jpg (34369 bytes) mx20330-1.jpg (19915 bytes) radarmount-1.jpg (20001 bytes)