Steve Roberts Custom Cherokee

Updated 07/11/2004

After the original installation, Steve asked us to design and fabricate a new lower switch panel with pull-type circuit breakers and in general clean the lower switch panels up.  The dull white color just didn't fit in with the rest of the radio stack and custom panels.  While we were at it, Steve decided to install a S-Tec System 30 Two-Axis autopilot to lower his IFR  work load. New Lower Switch Panels Notice the lighting above the circuit breakers on one of the small pics below.  The lighting is a soft white and really helps the pilot figure out which breaker does what at night.  

Steve decided it was time to update the avionics in his Cherokee and at the same time, do something with the dated, plastic panels.  After several emails, Kevin and Steve came up with a panel layout and Avionics West fabricated them to suite Steve's desire.  We installed a JPI FS-450 fuel flow system, Garmin GNS430 GPS/ILS/Com, GTX327 transponder, GI-106A GPS/ILS indicator and a GMA340 audio panel.  The updated King KX-170B with a McCoy mod was working fine and Steve decided to keep it as a #2 backup radio.  The GNS430 and JPI 450 are linked together, thus full fuel can be set simply by pushing a button on the GNS430.  As you would suspect, fuel flow readout can be displayed on the GNS430 and the amount of fuel needed for the activated flight plan are shown in the "Aux" section.  

The panel colors were chosen by the owner and as you can tell, there's room for growth.  Because of the extra room, Steve elected to lower the audio panel for better visibility.  Later, should the need arise, we can move the complete avionics stack back up to the top.  A nice aircraft indeed.

roberts2.jpg (42662 bytes) roberts3.jpg (29536 bytes) Pilot's Side
Relabeled Throttle Note the Lighting above the CB's