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The G 600 Prep and Much More

PANEL DETAILS                           


At the end of the first phase the instrument panel is looking as good as any as we have done before.  Pretty normal actually.  Even though the panel is very well equiped,  with all of the block-off cover plates installed, it gives the appearence of lacking some equipment.  That look will be remedied after the next phase of the installation is complete.  The wiring configuration is pretty standard with the exception for the interface connectors that were fabricated specifically for the addition of the G600.  The Garmin 530 analog nav outputs drive the NSD 1000 normally however these lines pass through an interface connector that will be disconnect ed and routed to the G 600 when installed. The SL-30 drives the GI 106 indicator as would normally be, however this harness also goes through an interface connector and the harness itself is long enough to be routed over to the 3ATI blocked-off opening where the future position of the NSD 1000 will be after the G 600 is installed hense the NSD 1000 will be driven by the SL-30.  What will become of the GI 106 you might ask?  It will be driven by the by that non-switchable Nav output of the GNS 530 that no one ever uses and ,of course, that harness pigtail from the 530 is already there and terminated in the connector for the GI 106.  The Triden autopilot gets its nav and heading signals through an RS024 relay box.  At present the only heading system is the NSD 1000 and it will drive the Autopilot in "Heading" regardless of the position of the A/P Nav 1/Nav 2 switch through a set of jumper wires at the Nav switching relay box.  When the G 600 is installed these jumpers will be snipped and the NSD 1000 will give way to the G 600 as the #1 Heading System through a interface harness that is there and ready to be connected to the output of the G 600. The Sl 30 / GI 106 now drive the autopilot as the #2 NAV and the GNS 530 / NSD 1000 do the same as the #1 system.  After the G 600 is installed and all of the interfaces are made, the only thing left to do will be  to rotate the autopilot "Nav 1 / Nav 2" switch 180 degrees since the NSD 1000 now will be the #2.  The Triden Autopilot will actually have two totally independent heading and nav systems available to drive it hrough the action of one toggle switch.

With the G 600 now installed, the Electric Artifical horizon and the NSD 1000 moved over to the left and all of the back-up instruments in their reasigned locations, the panel takes on more of a complete look.  Definently a 206 for the showcase.













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